At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis
Feeling buried under a mountain of bills, budgets, and documents? Imagine if one simple tool could transform that chaos into clarity—allowing you to navigate your finances with ease and...
Tired of juggling a million tasks with no clear plan? Discover how Notion’s powerful tools can turn your life into an organized, productive powerhouse—one page at a time. Notion...
Welcome to The Life Sumo Operating System. This Notion dashboard is your all-in-one tool for organizing finances, goals, tasks, and everything in between. If you’re ready to...
Have you ever tried a digital detox or a juice cleanse to reset your habits? Well, it’s time to take the concept one step further—with a financial detox. Think of this as a seven-day...
So, you’ve saved your first $1000, and now you’re ready to dip your toes into the world of investing. Congratulations! Investing is a fantastic way to grow your money over time, but if...
Building wealth isn’t just about clocking in hours at a 9-5 job anymore. Imagine earning money while sipping coffee, catching up on sleep, or spending time with family. That’s the magic...
By Simon Russell Overconfidence has different components, but perhaps the simplest way of describing it is the feeling that we’re better at something than we actually are. The archetypal...
Savvy Tips to Help Your Teens Save and Invest Like Pros As your teens start earning their own income, financial literacy becomes more than just a good idea—it’s essential. With money in...
What Does Financial Freedom Mean? Financial freedom is a term that means different things to different people. For some, it’s a result of years of disciplined planning, while others find...
When it comes to investing, one of the biggest questions is choosing between passive and active strategies. Each has its own strengths, weaknesses, and ways of making your money work for you. But...
By Simon Russell Our brains are susceptible to certain automatic thought patterns, and fighting against them can be a challenge at the best of times. Sometimes, the solution is to ask how we can...
Many parents dream of helping their children get a foothold on the property ladder. While gifting money or acting as a mortgage guarantor are common ways to provide support, some parents go...
When you’re preparing for retirement, it’s easy to focus on the big numbers—your superannuation balance, pension, and investments—but the hidden costs can sneak up on you....
Your superannuation is more than just a future stash of cash—it’s a key player in your financial wellness, making sure you can kick back and enjoy life when retirement finally rolls...
Your superannuation is one of your largest financial assets. It's the treasure chest you’re building for your future self—the one who will eventually swap office chairs for beach...
Navigating estate planning is already a challenge, but if you have a blended family, the complexity can multiply fast. Balancing the needs of multiple relationships—current spouses,...
Ready to hit the final level before retirement? Whether you're cash poor, getting by, or living large with high net worth, your financial situation shapes the game plan for your golden years. It's...
The much-anticipated Stage 3 tax cuts are finally live, and for many Australians, it's like finding a hidden power-up in a challenging game. Whether you're scoring an extra $350 or a massive $4,500...